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Parent for custom labels

  • The labels will be made to not exceed the maximum length required, in doing this the height will be automatically adjusted to keep the writing in proportion. Labels can be applied to most hard flat surfaces, they do not adhere to textures, fabrics or silicone.
  • About Our Herbs & Spices Bundle

    These are a set size, priced at £2.00 per herb or spice. For spices with 2 or more words we will set the size to 2 inches wide x 2 inches high.
    1. Choose The Number of Labels
    Select the number of labels you want to have with your Herbs & Spices bundle!
    2. Pick Your Herbs / Spices
    Next, complete each drop-down field, selecting which herb or spice you wish to have.
    3. Add to Cart!
    Once all of the herbs or spices have been picked, you can add the bundle to your cart.

    Start Now!

  • I always remember throughout school, college and Uni I loved covering my text books in stickers, wraps and labelling them with the subjects I Studied! Now you can label your text books with beautiful Labels and Icons :) These labels are also perfect for teachers and parents to label and organise, Drawers, Folders and learning areas at home and around the classroom. I can't wait to see how you use them!
  • Designed for acrylic style holders, these labels are at a max height of 0.8 inches and in Hugo font. All labels are under 3.5 inch width apart from Cleanse and Tone that has a width of 4.5 inches.
  • Designed for drawers, these labels are at a max height of 1.9 inches and available in Rosie and Willows, James and School font. All labels are under 5.5 inch width.
  • Create your own wedding party bundle. Labels will be a maximum of 3.8 inches width to suit a variety of glasses.
    These are made proportionately so that all look the same visually however, Bride, Groom and Broom will be made slightly bigger due to the length of the word and their significance.
  • Introducing our Travel Bag Labels. These are perfect for travel bags or hospital bags. Create your own bundle with up to 12 characters per label. Labels are a maximum of 5 inches width. The bags shown are either plastic or light fabric mix, we don't recommend labels be applied to textured or strong material. Vinyl labels cannot be washed and will have a shorter life than on a hard flat surface. *Bottles And Bag Not Included*
  • Order a personalised label to create your own caddy for your kid(s)! Complete with hearts or stars!
    The size is set to a length of 6 inches and a height of 2 inches per word.
    This is for the labels only, this will not include the the container!
  • These pre set bottle labels fit perfectly on Mini 50 ml sanitiser bottles. They hang perfectly onto a bag with a small clip and you can personalise them with a name and icon! *Bottles not included* (Due to the size of the bottles there is a character limit of 10 characters). Don't have a bottle, here is an Amazon link for you to purchase.
  • Are you a Teacher? You deserve a pretty label too! Teacher names include your name and a set of Icons from the list below. (Teacher name is Miss, Ms, Mrs, Mx or Mr + Surname)
  • Give your wireless headphone case a personal touch. Large = 1 inch (H) 1.5 inch (W) - Suitable for Pro cases. Small = 1 inch (H) 1 inch (W) - Suitable for standard cases. This is for the labels only, this will not include the headphones!
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